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Are Root canal treatments painful?

Root canal therapy has had a bad reputation over the years. However, phenomenal advances in dental technology, endodontic techniques, and dental anesthesia have made root canals virtually painless and much less "scary." In fact, the procedure relieves pain rather than causing it, so our patients feel better after treatment than when they stepped into our office.

Will You Feel Pain during & After a Root Canal Treatment?

Before starting treatment, we will numb the area with a local anesthetic, to ensure you are comfortable during treatment & do not experience even the slightest bit of pain. After the treatment, when the Local Anaesthesia wears off, you may feel mild pain, tenderness, or sensitivity for a few days, but it's nothing compared to the intense pain of an infected tooth. Over-the-counter pain medication should relieve any minor discomfort.

What Happens if You Don't Get a Needed Root Canal Treatment?

Infected tooth pulp will not heal on its own.

If not treated, the infection can progress, leading to

  • swelling of the face and neck,
  • an abscessed tooth,
  • bone loss around the tooth root
  • and even tooth loss.
  • The infection can also enter the bloodstream and cause a host of health complications.

The only viable alternative to a needed root canal treatment is to have the tooth extracted and replaced with an implant, bridge, or partial denture. That is often far more costly and time-consuming than a root canal treatment.

Painless Root Canal Treatments Near Me

Visit Dr.Priyanka @ Solitaire Family Dentistry, to learn more about our virtually painless root canal treatments. Dr. Priyanka and her team pride themselves in providing their patients with outstanding, gentle care. Your comfort and well-being are always our top priorities. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

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